A. Credit card. You can choose to pay by credit card (Visa, Mastercard) in your shopping basket. Once directed to the payment form on the payment operator’s website, you give your card number, its validity date and CCV code, and confirm the payment. Credit card transactions are handled by Dotpay, which guarantees the security of the transactions. Our shop does not receive the customer’s credit card number, meaning that the transaction is 100% secure. Customers can also pay via Visa Checkout and Masterpass.
In the form for paying by card, the CVV2/CVC2 code has to be given. The CVV2/CVC2 code comprises the last three digits on the reverse of the card. In online shopping, the CVV2/CVC2 code is required for verification of the card holder.
C. Bank transfer / Invoice. Should you wish to pay by bank transfer, please ask us for an invoice or register with our shop as a business user, then when choosing your preferred method of payment in the shopping basket, select “Proforma invoice” and place your order. On the confirmation screen you will be able to download the invoice with the details required for the transfer.